The Wellness Company was founded by Dr. McCullough and Dr. Risch to deliver patient-first care, unbiased by corporate influence.

Remote Health Solutions is dedicated to providing patients with medical care free from coercion and discrimination. offers access to clinicians who can prescribe multidrug protocols including safe generic drugs and over-the-counter therapeutics .

Synergy Health DPC offers at-home treatments for COVID as well as long-term effects of post-COVID syndrome.

PUSH Health can provide prescriptions for ivermectin after a low-cost online consultation.

Text2MD offers access to clinicians who can prescribe treatment protocols incorporating ivermectin, as recommended by the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).


Find contact information for over 100 prescribing clinicians on this list maintained by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). maintains a list of hundreds clinicians prescribing treatment protocols incorporating ivermectin in the U.S. and abroad. lists clinicians using budesonide in many states.

The website lists prescribing physicians in Texas as well as Arizona, Oklahoma, Illinois, Ohio, and New Jersey.

Arnot Health provides a searchable directory of prescribing clinicians in upstate New York State.

Bethany Medical offers access to prescribing clinicians in and around Greensboro, High Point, and Winston Salem, North Carolina.